Socrata was acquired by Tyler Technologies in 2018 and is now the Data and Insights division of Tyler. The platform is still powered by the same software formerly known as Socrata but you will see references to Data & Insights going forward.

Replacing Rows in Bulk

Heads Up! The ability to modify a dataset requires special permissions.


The SODA Producer Replace API allows you to replace your dataset entirely using a single HTTP PUT request. This is an excellent way to load your Socrata dataset the first time or get it back in sync when things have gone wrong.

Please note that all operations that modify datasets must be authenticated as a user who has access to modify that dataset and may optionally include an application token.

Creating Your Payload

The dataset for this example is the USGS Earthquakes Sample Dataset, which has its publisher-specified row identifier set to earthquake_id.

We’ll format our payload as a JSON array of objects, just like you did for upsert. This example contains only a few records, but replacement operations can easily contain thousands of records at a time.

[ {
  "earthquake_id" : "demo1234",
  "region" : "Washington",
  "source" : "demo",
  "location" : {
    "latitude" : 47.59815, 
    "longitude" : -122.334540
  "magnitude" : 1.2,
  "number_of_stations" : 1,
  "datetime" : "2014-03-26T22:38:01",
  "depth" : 7.9,
  "version" : 1
}, {
  "earthquake_id" : "71842370",
  "region" : "Northern California",
  "source" : "nc",
  "location" : {
    "longitude" : -122.7685,
    "latitude" : 38.8023
  "magnitude" : 1.4,
  "number_of_stations" : 21,
  "datetime" : "2012-09-14T22:14:21",
  "depth" : 0.00,
  "version" : 2
} ]

Performing Your Replace Operation

Once you’ve constructed your payload, upserting it is as simple as using an HTTP PUT request on your dataset’s endpoint, along with the appropriate authentication and (optional) application token information:

PUT /resource/4tka-6guv.json HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Basic [REDACTED]
Content-Length: 253
Content-Type: application/json
X-App-Token: [REDACTED]

[ {
} ]

You’ll get back a response detailing what went right or wrong:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "Rows Updated" : 0,
  "Rows Created" : 2

That means we replaced the content of the dataset with two records.

Replacing Datasets with CSV

You can use properly-formatted “Comma Separated Value” (CSV) data to do updates, just like you can do with JSON. Just make sure you follow a few rules:

  • Your data should be compliant with the IETF RFC 4810 CSV specification. That means:
    • Fields are separated by commas and records are separated by newlines
    • Fields can be optionally wrapped in double quotes (")
    • You can embed a newline within a field by wrapping it in quotes. Newlines will be ignored until the field is terminated by another double quote
    • If a double quote occurs within a quoted field, the quote can be escaped by doubling it (i.e., Marc "Dr. Complainingstone" Millstone would become "Marc ""Dr. Complainingstone"" Millstone" )
  • The first line in your file must be a “header row” that contains the API field names for each of the fields in your data file. That header will be used to determine the order of the fields in the records below

Here’s an example:

Source,Earthquake ID,Version,Datetime,Magnitude,Depth,Number of Stations,Region,Location
demo,demo1234,1,03/26/2014 10:38:01 PM,1.2,7.9,1,Washington,"(47.59815, -122.334540)"
nc,71842370,2,09/14/2012 10:14:21 PM,1.4,0,21,Northern California,"(38.8023, -122.7685)"

Just like before, upserting it is as simple as POSTing it to your dataset’s endpoint, along with the appropriate authentication and (optional) application token information. Make sure you use a content type of text/csv:

PUT /resource/4tka-6guv.json HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Basic [REDACTED]
Content-Length: 253
Content-Type: text/csv
X-App-Token: [REDACTED]

Source,Earthquake ID,Version,Datetime,Magnitude,Depth,Number of Stations,Region,Location
demo,demo1234,1,03/26/2014 10:38:01 PM,1.2,7.9,1,Washington,"(47.59815, -122.334540)"
nc,71842370,2,09/14/2012 10:14:21 PM,1.4,0,21,Northern California,"(38.8023, -122.7685)"

You’ll get back a response like you did in the previous example, detailing what went right and wrong:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "Rows Updated" : 0,
  "Rows Created" : 2