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Socrata was acquired by Tyler Technologies in 2018 and is now the Data and Insights division of Tyler. The platform is still powered by the same software formerly known as Socrata but you will see references to Data & Insights going forward.


Function: json_pluck
  Pluck a value out of a JSON string. The returned value will be a SoQL Json value.


  -- Get the value out of a piece of JSON
  json_pluck('{"foo": {"bar": [1, {"baz": "hello"}, 3]}}'::json, '.foo.bar.[1].baz')
  -- Result: {"json":"hello"}

  -- Quote the identifier using brackets
  json_pluck('{"foo-bar": {"baz": "qux"}}'::json, '.["foo-bar"].baz')
  -- Result: {"json":"qux"}

  -- Iterate over an array plucking out each value called 'bar'
  json_pluck('{"foo": [{"bar": false}, {"bar": true}]}'::json, '.foo.[].bar')
  -- Result: {"json":[false,true]}

  -- Use an optional (?) selector to return null when the target is not an object
  json_pluck('{"foo":[{"bar":1},{"bar":2},"not-an-object"]}'::json, '.foo.[].bar?')
  -- Result: {"json":[1,2,null]}

  -- When using an object selector to select something from an array, an error is given
  json_pluck('[{"intptlat": "32"}, {"intptlat": "33"}]'::json, '.[intptlat]')
  -- Result: "Invalid selection from value '[{\"intptlat\":\"32\"},{\"intptlat\":\"33\"}]'"

json, text -> json