Test if a json array contains an item. If the JSON passed to this function is not an array,
an error will be returned.
json_array_contains('[1, 2, 3, 4]'::json, 2)
-- Result: true
json_array_contains('[1, 2, 3, 4]'::json, 5)
-- Result: false
json_array_contains('["one", "two"]'::json, "one")
-- Result: true
json_array_contains('["one", "two"]'::json, "three")
-- Result: false
json_array_contains('[true, false]'::json, true)
-- Result: true
json_array_contains('[true, false]'::json, false)
-- Result: true
-- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, "null"::json is a JSON null.
json_array_contains('[1, 2, null, 4]'::json, "null"::json)
-- Result: true
-- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, "null"::json is a JSON null.
json_array_contains('[1, 2, 3]'::json, "null"::json)
-- Result: false
-- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, null::json is a SoQL null.
json_array_contains('[1, 2, null, 4]'::json, null::json)
-- Result: null
-- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, null is a SoQL null.
json_array_contains('[1, 2, null, 4]'::json, null)
-- Result: null
json_array_contains('{}'::json, 7)
-- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type object","data":{"required":"array","actual":"object"}}
json_array_contains('true'::json, 7)
-- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type boolean","data":{"required":"array","actual":"boolean"}}
json_array_contains('"foo"'::json, 7)
-- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type string","data":{"required":"array","actual":"string"}}
json_array_contains('7'::json, 7)
-- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type number","data":{"required":"array","actual":"number"}}
json_array_contains("null"::json, 7)
-- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type null","data":{"required":"array","actual":"null"}}
json, a -> checkbox