Socrata was acquired by Tyler Technologies in 2018 and is now the Data and Insights division of Tyler. The platform is still powered by the same software formerly known as Socrata but you will see references to Data & Insights going forward.


Function: json_array_contains
  Test if a json array contains an item. If the JSON passed to this function is not an array,
  an error will be returned.


  json_array_contains('[1, 2, 3, 4]'::json, 2)
  -- Result: true

  json_array_contains('[1, 2, 3, 4]'::json, 5)
  -- Result: false

  json_array_contains('["one", "two"]'::json, "one")
  -- Result: true

  json_array_contains('["one", "two"]'::json, "three")
  -- Result: false

  json_array_contains('[true, false]'::json, true)
  -- Result: true

  json_array_contains('[true, false]'::json, false)
  -- Result: true

  -- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, "null"::json is a JSON null.
  json_array_contains('[1, 2, null, 4]'::json, "null"::json)
  -- Result: true

  -- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, "null"::json is a JSON null.
  json_array_contains('[1, 2, 3]'::json, "null"::json)
  -- Result: false

  -- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, null::json is a SoQL null.
  json_array_contains('[1, 2, null, 4]'::json, null::json)
  -- Result: null

  -- Note the difference between a SoQL null and a JSON null. Here, null is a SoQL null.
  json_array_contains('[1, 2, null, 4]'::json, null)
  -- Result: null

  json_array_contains('{}'::json, 7)
  -- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type object","data":{"required":"array","actual":"object"}}

  json_array_contains('true'::json, 7)
  -- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type boolean","data":{"required":"array","actual":"boolean"}}

  json_array_contains('"foo"'::json, 7)
  -- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type string","data":{"required":"array","actual":"string"}}

  json_array_contains('7'::json, 7)
  -- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type number","data":{"required":"array","actual":"number"}}

  json_array_contains("null"::json, 7)
  -- Result: {"type":"json_type_error","english":"Required type is array but received type null","data":{"required":"array","actual":"null"}}

json, a -> checkbox